ACSTAR Insurance Company
ACSTAR Insurance Company
233 Main Street
New Britain, CT 06050-2350
Phone: 860-224-2000
Fax: 860-229-1111
With a well-known reputation for delivering the "best service anywhere," ACSTAR provides bonding nationwide for your contract and commercial surety needs in the standard and specialty marketplace.
ACSTAR writes many difficult contract and commercial surety bonds. We make relationship driven decisions on borderline cases based on solid and supported recommendations from agents.
ACSTAR is licensed in all 50 states. At ACSTAR, we view our agents as strategic partners, thereby eliminating unnecessary and time consuming layers of underwriting.
Whether coverage is needed for a standard or difficult case, we are interested in discussing your client's needs. We're committed to developing special relationships with proven surety professionals.
ACSTAR is rated A by A.M. Best, U.S. Treasury-Listed, and can write bonds up to $11 million with our reinsurance. However, we don't consider any bond too small.
Copyright 2003 ACSTAR Insurance Company - All Rights Reserved
