Crawford County Illinois Ghost Hunters Society
Crawford County Illinois Ghost Hunters Society
The Crawford County Illinois Ghost Hunters Society was founded in 2001, by Jason Snider. We investigate anywhere in Illinois and parts of Indiana. Our investigations focus on the Crawford County area and surrounding counties. My team and I investigate cemeteries, houses, and any other place that might have the presence of paranormal activity. Some of the tools we use are: thermal scanners, EMF meters, motion detectors, tape recorders, night shot video cameras, digital audio recorders, wireless video camera systems, laptop computers, geiger counters, 35mm cameras, and digital cameras. We have recorded orbs, ecto mists, super charged orbs, and other paranormal anomalies on film and video. While at the same time having scientific evidence of something going on in the area from readings on our meters. We have also recorded voices of the dead on our tape recorder, also known as Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP). We operate in a special investigation team of four or seven, depending on the situation and location. While conducting the investigations my team and I follow a strict set of guide lines, rules, and protocol. We take a scientific approach to investigating the paranormal and DO NOT use ouija boards, conduct seances, or rely on psychics. Our goal is to provide evidence of life after death and other paranormal occurrences through, photography, audio recordings, video recordings, and data collected from our equipment. We are a serious and dedicated team of paranormal investigators and researchers and examine all natural explanations before determining that what we find is of paranormal origin.
