Bozzuto Associates Inc.
Bozzuto Associates Inc.
401 Main Street
Watertown, CT 06795-9933
Toll Free: 888-945-5550
Local: 860-945-3559
Fax: 860-945-0843
Bozzuto Associates Inc. is a full service agency specializing in health, life, disability and other benefit plans for employers, employees and individuals.
Over the past 14 years, we have been able to save employers thousands of dollars while providing benefits at the most cost-effective rates.
You can depend upon our expertise to assure your in the selection of reputable Third Party Administrators, effective networks and competitive, financially secure re-insurers.
Life Insurance
We all have a responsibility to protect those who depend on us with a sufficient amount of life insurance protection. Life Insurance is the cornerstone of your family’s financial security. It can provide those who are left behind with a lifetime of financial security.
Life Insurance can also provide businesses with the capital necessary to survive the passing of a key employee or partner.
There are two basic types of life insurance available on the market today, Term Life Insurance and Permanent Insurance. Which one is for you? It may depend on how long you need the coverage for. If you have a temporary protection need, Term Life Insurance may be appropriate. If you expect to need life insurance for a longer duration, even for your lifetime, then you should consider Permanent Life Insurance.
