Colonial Life & Accident
Colonial Life & Accident
2351 Boston Post Rd Ste 203
Guilford, CT 06437-4360
(203) 458-6661
Your employees count on you for most of their benefits – including life insurance. In fact, the workplace is now the primary way people obtain and/or purchase life insurance.1
With today’s underinsurance gap and the number of baby-boomers approaching retirement age, employers need solutions for an age-diverse employee population. But adding employer-paid coverage may not be the answer. Employees need personal life insurance coverage.
Colonial Life’s personal life insurance products offer an easy answer for you and your employees to help fill the life insurance gap. Colonial Life offers a variety of employee-paid voluntary cash value life and term life insurance products through the convenience of payroll deduction. And unlike traditional group coverage, employees can take this coverage with them if their employment changes.
Help your employees bridge the gap with Colonial Life’s voluntary life insurance portfolio, where you can help your employees get the financial protection they need for their stage in life without hurting your organization’s bottom line.
See one of Colonial Life's benefits guys for more details
©2010 Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Company Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Company is a subsidiary of Unum Group
