Insurance Problem Solvers
Insurance Problem Solvers
393 Meloy Road
West Haven, CT 06516
At Insurance Problem Solvers, our focus, and our only focus is our clients, and we are confused about why anyone would do it any other way. We are constantly searching for the most recent innovations and the most competitive programs to fit our clients’ needs.
Most insurance companies develop a profile of their ‘ideal client’. These are people who are a certain age, own a certain type of home, have clean driving records, are in perfect health and have had no claims. If you fit this profile, there are many companies who are willing to provide you with good coverage, at a fair price…..But what if you don’t
Suppose you have had a claim or two, maybe a traffic ticket, or have had health problems? Suppose you own a business that is a little out of the ordinary. You choices are becoming limited. How do you find the right coverage?
That’s where we come in...
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