Nationwide - Raymond A. Shea
Nationwide - Raymond A. Shea
93 S Main St
Beacon Falls, Connecticut 06403-1447
Office: (203) 729-9797
Hours of Operation:
Monday-Friday: By Appt.
Saturday: By Appt.
Sunday: By Appt
Life insurance can:
•Provide financial support to your loved ones if you die unexpectedly
•Prepare for the future and your retirement years
•Preserve the assets you've worked to hard to accumulate
•Pass along what you've built to those you care about
Think you don’t need life insurance if you don’t have kids? Think again. It may seem like an unnecessary expense. But there are many reasons to have life insurance, even if you’re not supporting a family.
1. Mortgage protection Whether you live by yourself, with a spouse or significant other, you may want to buy life insurance as mortgage protection. Think about it − you don’t want the person you live with to be homeless if you die unexpectedly, do you?
Term life insurance can be used to pay off an outstanding mortgage balance. Just select a term that matches the length of your mortgage payment period. Some companies even offer decreasing term insurance, which means the death benefit decreases along with your mortgage balance.
2. Income replacement You and your significant other may have planned for a future based on two incomes − but what if one of you passes away unexpectedly? Life insurance can be used to replace the lost income so the survivor can maintain the same standard of living.
3. Final expenses You’ve seen the commercials − funeral expenses, burial costs and medical bills can add up to a hefty amount. The last thing you want is for your loved ones to shoulder this extra burden.
Life insurance can be used to plan for these final expenses. Permanent life insurance is available in various amounts, so you can pick a death benefit that meets your needs.
4. College funding OK, OK … this one only applies if you have kids. But have you seen the tuition rates lately?
Life insurance can help fund a college education. If you die, the death benefit may be invested and potentially grow to the needed amount by the time your children reach college age. Feel better knowing that you helped prepare for their future − even if you are not there to see it.
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