O'Brien Insurance Agency, LLC
O'Brien Insurance Agency, LLC
108 Kent Road
New Milford, CT 06776
Phone: 860-350-5505
E-mail: info@obrieninsurance.com
Servicing Your Complete Insurance Needs
From Auto to Home to Business and Health, O'Brien Insurance Agency, LLC can help you to make the right decisions about protecting yourself, your family, and your assets. Using our expertise and flexibility, we work hard to get the most and best protection for your money.
Our goal is to educate the client of the various coverage available, and to help them select what is right for them. Contact us to learn about the insurance solution that is right for you.
At O'Brien Insurance Agency, our focus is to make sure that you are properly protected. Because our office is an Independent Agency, we can offer the best coverage at the best rates.
Life Insurance: O'Brien Insurance
The O’Brien Insurance Agency, LLC is a family run Independent Insurance Agency serving Connecticut & New York families and businesses.
Why do I Need Life Insurance?
What happens to your family if something happens to you is up to you. No one likes to think what the world would be like without them but the family you leave behind is the most vulnerable. You need to ensure that they are taken care of financially. Friends and family will be there to provide the emotional support but you need a life insurance policy to provide the financial support now.
What Kind of Life Insurance do I Need?
There are many different life insurance plans out there and they all provide different ways of providing for your family. There are family income plans, family maintenance plans, estate preservation plans and quite a few more that you may want to consider.
Why Choose O’Brien Insurance Agency, LLC to Compare Life Insurance Rates & Policies?
As an Independent Agency that represents over a dozen carriers we have the ability to tailor a plan that not only saves you money but provides you with the coverage you need. We will work with you to determine what those needs are and then find our best rate available. Let O'Brien Insurance assist you to compare life insurance policies.
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