Prindle Insurance Agency
Prindle Insurance Agency
22 West Main Street
Sharon CT 06069
Phone: 1 860 364 5000
Toll Free Number: 1 877 422 4555
Fax: 1 860 364 5072
Bringing Insurance To The Tri-State Area For Over 63 Years Serving Connecticut, New York, & Massachusetts
The Prindle Insurance Agency is a member in good standing with:
The National Association of Independent Insurance Agents
The National Association of Professional Insurance Agents.
LIFE Insurance - Whole Life, Universally Life, Term Life.
> What about the difference between whole and term life insurance?
Whole Life, also called "Universal Life", is permanent insurance, that covers you for your entire adult life, into retirement age. You pay an annual premium that remains level and constant for the whole period of the policy. "Term" Insurance is life insurance purchased for a specified, shorter amount of time . At the end of the term, you have the option of renewing your policy. Talk to Barclay at PIA to determine which type of life insurance is best for you.
